Plants vs zombies heroes puzzle party october
Plants vs zombies heroes puzzle party october

plants vs zombies heroes puzzle party october

  • types -> Prints the plant types and their costs.
  • remove x y -> Removes plant at tile (x, y).
  • plants vs zombies heroes puzzle party october

    place plantType x y -> Places a plant of plantType at tile (x, y).Responsible for all user input via commands user enters in.Has a plants arrayList, zombie arrayList, lawnMower boolean.Keeps track of it's respective plants, zombies and it's lawnmower.If a player manages to kill all the zombies in the level, player wins.If a zombie reaches the end tile of a lawn and the lawn mower has already been activated, player loses.> An arrayList is passed in as a parameter -> each element in the arrayList is the number of zombies spawned * each wave Zombies are spawned in waves that are set when a level is constructed.Plants are placed when suitable by the Player who buys them with sun, also can be removed by the player.When a zombie reaches the end of the lawn, the lawn mower is triggered and clears that lawn of all zombiesĪdds plants and zombies to the level (adding plants dependent on the Player class), zombies are spawned in waves.Zombies will walk left until they encounter a plant they will stop and proceed attacking until the plant is dead.Tells Sunflowers to generate sun every turn, but a sunflower keeps track of when it actually produces sun.Peashooters will attack zombies in their lawn every turn, only damages the zombie closest to them (in front of them).The central logic component, tells plants and zombies what to do:

    plants vs zombies heroes puzzle party october

  • Each state advances to the next due to player command and plant and zombie behavior.
  • Keeps track of waveCount, number of zombies remaining in wave, int lawns.
  • Keeps track of the current game state, the states of the five lawns and advances to next states:
  • Hit Threshold = Basic Zombie Hit Threshold (10).
  • Zombie Damage = Basic Zombie Damage (1 damage per turn).
  • Speed = Basic Zombie Speed (0.5 tiles per turn/1 tile every two turns).
  • Zombies have one subclass so far BasicZombie Plants have two subclasses: PassivePlant and ShooterPlant
  • Implement a text-based version of the popular Plants vs Zombies (PvZ) game.
  • SYSC 3110 Project – Plants vs Zombies: The Puzzle! Milestone 1 (master branch) - Completed On: Monday, October 29th, 2018

    Plants vs zombies heroes puzzle party october